Monday, June 20, 2022

Your "foster mother"

she was your grandmother. She lied to you every day unto her grave. Did she love you? Only on her terms. She kidnapped you at birth She punished me forever. She rewarded my siblings for doing mw harm . She stole mt property at will. She told me my parakeets died ,but I saw them with a flock of sparrows for aeveral years. I wasn't allowed to have anything I loved Paul and George loved me back . They would sit on mt finger and learned many whistles and some words. She did her best to make sure nobody loved me . She did not tell me when you were having your appendix out she never told me when you were hurt . Selfish love. When I drove her back from Florida she rushed you away to keep me from talking with you knowing the cancer was killing her she clung to her lies. She actually let me ride along for your first day of school but when I moved out; she told me "you're not taking Joey with you* I didn't know how she knew I wanted to, but all I could say was "I don't know how I'm going to support myself yet" I had been thrown out because I left before dear old dad could start hitting me again . A good foster mother would never kidnap a baby a good foster mother would provide safety to all of. her charges . a good foster mother would obey the law! Shw said she was asked to go with a man she was in love with to Europe . She said she couldn't rake you away from your father, that was true, she had no legal right to you . I could go on and on but you don't want to hear me..

Sunday, June 19, 2022


I am so hurt and angry today.I just don't know what to do. I feel like I don't even matter. public humiliation at the hands of a stranger wouldn't be so bad,but having my own son pretend his grandmother was his birth-mother! He could have just punched me in the stomach. I just feel sick.