Thursday, August 25, 2011


it's pretty hard to have my favorite [recent] therapist and her intern both leave at the same time. They have been so great to work with, and I am struggling with their departure. There is additional stress in that the new therapist will be 2 weeks away from beginning anew. 2 weeks is always hard for me to go without group.

I'm also healing from a small surgery, had a lump removed from my arm. It is probably just a fatty tumor, but the lab results have not come back yet.
I am squeemish when it comes to changing the bandages, and it is a bit sore, but not too bad.

Another thing worrying me; no food in the house by some time tommorrow.....
and no money for at least a 6 days or so. Stress is not new in this area, but continuous.

I'm not up to much tonight, so this is a short blog entry.

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