Sunday, September 11, 2011

poems I wrote in early recognition of my abuse

Day 1
Entered crying
as the hurricane howled
eyes wide open
in the dead of night
leaves all colours
blowing in the streets
torrid forboding
with my first moments on earth
Hurricane Hazel and Midnight
my birth


Liar in the household
keeper of the keys
Holds us all in prison
keeps us on our knees
Lurks about in shadows
whispers filthy words
Menacing my nightmares
as all my waking fears

In he creeps as all are sleeping
horrid grasping gropes
Muffles my cries
fills my eyes
binds my wrists
strangles my hopes

"Hush, it was just another bad dream
you dirty girl"
Daylight comes
I haven't slept


Warped Romance

We're going for a ride tonight
we're going in the car
hush the others mustn't hear
you see we're going far
to a place where it's warm all year
we can live at the beach
No, your mother cannot come,
we'll be happy there alone
Just you and me

Every day will be such fun
no one can stop us
no one will ever know
and one day I'll marry you
one day when you're all grown


The boyfriend

are you a virgin?
my boyfriend asked, clear blue eyes
looking out from pale gold locks
I've never been a virgin
never been a child
I'm just 16, but I'm very old
He knew what I was saying
more than I could dare see
he took me to a finer place
I'll always wish to be
He touched my heart
and met my soul
and held me for a time
A time that could never last as long
as this need of mine


I cannot tell if you like me
or if you wish I'd go away
it's so hard for me to
know these things
Tell me what you think of me
tell me I should stay
hold my hand
embrace me
chase my pain away
call me on the telephone
tell me that you care
invite me to be with you
show me that you care
in ways I


terrible twos

Blonde curls
bright blue eyes
laughing, running in the grass
crisp pink dress
lace topped socks
pattent leather shoes
a happy heart
trusting soul
running on chubby two year old legs
looking to you for guidance
for nurture and for kindness

HOW could you bind and rape me?


I have more poems written later on, will post them later.

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