Friday, November 4, 2011


This is a subject that has recently come up in a private conversation, and one that hits my heart so storngly I have to address it. I have heard it refered to as a "Victimless Crime", and nothing could be farther from the truth.

Every person involved in the production of pornography has an internal injury that our eyes can not see. If all of the dehumanizing and objectifying action that have ever been perpetrated on the individuals in these photographs could visually resemble bullet wounds, scourge marks, swollen bruises, stab wounds.......... how could anyone stand to look on the images?

Our statistics show that 1 in every 4 women is a victim of rape. Violence against women does not occur without a root cause. Pornography inspires abuse, and is itself inspired BY abuse. The viewing of such images for "harmless pleasure" in actual fact does great harm, to marriages, to families, to the heart and soul of the viewer....... the harm pervades and perverts all of society.

Imagine if you will, that each and every photo is of someone's daughter, or son, mother or father, sister or brother, and their bodies have been used, their personal self esteem twisted and damaged, and their chance to be truly valued for the beautiful soul that they were created to be is so unlikely to ever be healed...........

Then see how the objectification of those so-called willing parties, when viewed, inspire the twisted objectification of other people in our lives; wives, sisters, mothers, daughters, sons, friends, relatives....... are being viewed by someone, some where every day. Viewed by persons whose lust has been heightened and sent off-center to inspired agression and actions that result in crimes and torment, and deaths........

If your own mother is walking down the street, minding her own business, and such a twisted person encounters her, is she safe from harm? Can you allow your innocent children to go to the playground to possibly come into the grasp of someone bent on vile aspirations?

I see more victims.

And the viewer, 'harmlessly' pursuing the pleasure that seems so 'normal' and 'acceptable' in our society........

how far away from the grand spirit that God intends us to become, in HIS image, does that casual viewer take himself or herself on a journey that often result in a one way trip?

I see more victims.

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