Saturday, February 28, 2015

a share and a prayer request

this is a copy of what I posted with my prayer partners.

so, the Lord sent me a set of ongoing disturbing dreams and I finally gave up and got out of bed.

the main theme of the dream; I had to keep sneaking up on a man, who seemed to be Leonard Nimoy, and make him look at his 'true self' in a small hand mirror. I had to keep sneaking up on him, because he didn't want to face the truth about himself. I kept finding a new path that led to him over and over, producing the mirror from where I hid it behind my back at the right moment every time I got near enough to him. It was a tough job, but it was my job.

So, as I got out of bed, I realized; it is not just my job to pray for the departed [represented by the man in the dream], but also to actually deal with the old man I have been avoiding having to deal with for quite some time. My uncle Gene, who lives 2 houses away from me here in my new home, is a 90 year old fallen away cradle Catholic. He is also the man who molested my son for years, from the ages of 9 to 16, and also my sister's son when he was similar ages. He managed to convince both young boys to not tell anyone. It finally came out a few years ago, and I made some confrontation with Gene when I first found out, but I have avoided speaking to him for a few years until I moved here. It's a hard thing to look at this little old man and realize he harmed small boys when he could have chosen not to. He was not a violent offender, but he did great harm all the same.

Anger is a tough thing for me to overcome. I do know how to hang on to it better than I know how to release it.

I do see that God wants me to deal with this. So, I will force myself. I have to make Gene look at his true self and bring himself to confession and REALLY deal with the results of what he has done in his younger days. Just a bit to make it harder; he is half deaf now and I have to speak much louder to have a conversation with him.......... so it's a real chore emotionally and physically. I am normally very soft spoken, and I start losing my voice when dealing with him.

ok, that's a pretty concise description of what I will be needing prayer on, thanks in advance ladies, this is a real task.

I also shared this with my youngest sister.

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