Tuesday, March 29, 2011

find your strength

as I shared in a private conversation;
Jesus is the only love of my life....... ;-)

"I am glad that when my first husband turned out to be a child molestor, I left him and ran as far as I could and hid my girls and fought him in courts for 3 1/2 years. I know how much courage it takes to fight the beastly man and the system, but God is gracious and provides when we are weak.
My mother never seemed to know this. "

If we are weak and scared and unable to face the danger, we MUST always seek assistance, from police, from pastors, from therapists, from neighbors, from relatives, from strangers....... but above all; from God.
He is my source and my supply. I might think I can come up with an answer all on my own, but the only answers that work out well are the ones I pray about diligently.

It is great that, these days, most cities have some resources for women and children that are being abused.
It is unfortunate, and also true, that those very places set up to help can often fail us in one way or another.
The child protective services in the county where I fought to rescue my girls from my first husband was littered with clout-clobbered 'social workers', I call them clout clobbered because the ex-husband's family had both wealth and a relative who was a judge....... and they twisted everything and made the abuse continue for years.

I was very blessed by a few certain circumstances that worked in our favor;
The ex moved to a different county, and i moved to still another one.
After we were no longer entirely controled by the affore mentioned social workers, things began to change. A new therapist for my youngest daughter,
and as she turned 4 years old, she began telling the therapist with dolls what abuses were being done to her.
I took all of my courage in rebuking the bastard [I mentioned in an earlier post] and before we knew it, he was arrested and we finally had an end in sight.

an end to the legal problems of his having joint custody, but we always had to be looking over our shoulders and he stalked us where we lived, where we vacationed, and where we moved, again and again.

Evil bastards must be jailed permanently, or until they are incapible of bad acts. My sweet daughter was murdered when she was 15, and police failed to investigate, so we will never be able to find out if the ex was involved or not. I don't know of anyone else who hates us.

When you find you must run and hide, never leave a forwarding address with the post office, they will sell it for one dollar. Never register to vote,
voter info is not protected. try to get an apartment with utilities included, so the utility companies do not release your info online, NEVER have your phone number published, and don't give your actual address to anyone, not even relatives and friends you trust. One of my relatives told info to another relative, who betrayed me under oath in court, so we were found and I was arrested for 'kidnapping' my own daughter!

Hiding may not ever end. Get used to it. Work under the table, change the way you look, the things you do, the places you go...... your children are worthy to be rescued. Trust in God, he did, after all, trust you to be their mother.

NEVER let the fox in the henhouse.
Once a creep, always a creep.

You might want to forgive him. This in NO WAY means he needs a second chance to damage your children. Cut him off for good.

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