Friday, March 25, 2011

the reason for this blog

this blog is for my journey to become empowered the way I should have been as a child.
all children deserve respect, love and kindness, and above all else; a voice. when we have parents that destroy instead of build, ruin instead of nurture, debase instead of encourage, it leaves a void that can take decades or a lifetime to repair.
This is hopefully, more than just my journey, but possibly the connection that others might need to make their own journey easier. If one child gets better parents because of this blog, I will feel completely blessed.

I intend not to use the real names of other people I mention herein, as innocent relatives and friends could be harmed, but my own real name is Ginny,
I was born Virginia Ann Brown october 11, 1954 to my parents; MG & MC [both now deceased] at Columbia Hospital for Women, Washington, D.C., also now defunct.

I have labored hard in deciding to blog this subject, as my own children, although adults, may feel more sorrow if they should read it's details. I never intend to hide anything from them, as they know the basic information about my life, but I have a therapist and a group in my life, so making my family sad is something I hope to avoid by not sending them the link.

this is hard.


  1. Ginny, I think what you're doing here is courageous, brave and wonderful. I hope and pray you find the healing you need, and in the process, help someone else. God bless you, dear Ginny. All the best.

  2. Ginny, Karen is right you are very brave. I also hope that this will help you and help me to learn how to help.

  3. the hardest part was deciding. I avaioding choosing to blog for some while, and being in group therapy helped me remember how important it is to share what we learn and how we struggle, because we are not alone in this world. Abuses occur everwhere, every day and it has to stop somehow. For me and my family, I am putting my foot down.
