Wednesday, April 20, 2011

2:47 am Wednesday

I just finished the 26th day of my devotional total consecration, and prayed the glorious mysteries of the rosary.
I am getting a lot more out of my devotional this year, since it is helping me to deal with the anger at my mom....... meditating on the purity and wisdom of Mary, as a model of motherhood, reminds me of how short I fall of perfection, and also reminds me that my mother was also an abuse victim.
Being a victim does not excuse her becoming an abuser, but it does show that she remained in the cycle of abuse by not facing her abusers and by allowing them to continue in their depravity.
I did not do that. I stood up to dad, to my first husband, to men who abused me [for the most part] as well as to men who were wrong to my children.

I got part of it right. I hope to someday be a better person than I am, so my children can be proud of me. Maybe I can even be an inspiration for them in outliving the abusers of this world, and being determined to thrive rather than meerly survive.

Survival is really not enough.

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