Thursday, April 28, 2011

turmoil and disfunction

there are a lot of things that come from having been abused, everybody knows there is depression, anger, cycles of more abuse/victimizations in families, spousal abuse, elder abuse. What is bothering me most often is the post traumatic stress; horrible nightmares, insomnia, family members who are in various stages of denial, and poverty. Obviously not all victims become poverty stricken, but poverty is often the result of abuse, and certainly comes from bad spouses who abuse then abandon you to let you scrape together whatever you can after they have used you up and left you penniless.

Our government is partially responsible, for not enforcing it's own laws about fair division of household monies in all divorces, and by punishing the downtrodden every time we try to make a step forward, they keep pushing us back and taking away our livelihood.

Making better laws is crucial. Women and children will always be the most abused and dispossessed if we do nothing to stop it. All spouses with earnings should be required to put in to social security for their spouses, and gender has no boundries here, wives can abuse husbands too, so don't think this is a 'man-hater's club, not at all. Equality in finances is simply the first and most important thing to make us free from more abuses.

If I had been working for someone other than my husband for 10 years, my social security would be almost double what it is, I had no idea he cheated me out of my work earnings by never claiming me as an employee.
Does the government care to intervien? Nope.
Big surprise.

Life is hard enough without bullies in every direction. We need to grow better people.

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