Monday, April 18, 2011

Palm Sunday 2011

I went to late Mass with Gerry Markham @ Our Lady of Grace in Highland.
it is a very big church, a bit too big for my comfort.

I am still going through the Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary, and am on day 24 now.
When I was praying the joyful mysteries and meditating on how Mary gave birth to Jesus and then wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in the manger, it made me cry, because I wanted to hold my son when he was born, and he was just taken away from me and never given back. I would have loved nothing more than to hold him and make sure he was alright.

People comment on how rough it must have been giving birth in a stable, and I'm sure if you compare it to a nice clean hospital or even a cozy room in a house, it was poor conditions. But modern people forget how many women in the world never have a hospital or a warm comfortable place to stay when they are having their babies. I prefer to think of how very wonderful it was for them that angels guarded them, and shepherds came and guarded them all night...... and wise men came from far away lands to kneel and give gifts.
It could have been worse.

Angels also warned Joseph in a dream to hide in egypt rather than have the baby killed by Herod's men. All of the other male babies there were killed.

Today, millions of babies are killed every year all over the world, as we have a new "Herod" called planned parenthood, which should be named planned genocide.

All babies are precious. All babies deserve life and love.


  1. Planned Parenthood is a lot more than people realize. They council young girls and women about subject matter you have printed here; I understand your pain, but it may be a little misplaced in this particular regard. Part of empowering women is to allow them to make their "own" choices...not those choices of others. This gives them an oportunity to be educated, informed, and get some hand holding when life gets too unbearable. As you know, our parents don't always tell us the truth and women need a place to go and talk to other women. They do NOT encourage abortion...they simply help those who have come to a crossroad they didn't particularly choose. You ave every right to feel how you do, but it may serve you well to contact them and actually talk to someone about who they are and WHAT they do. Ginny I support you, but I also support women and so does Planned parenthood. Thanks for listening :-)

  2. Mona, I'm sorry I did not see this comment until today. What you are saying is often said by people who have been deceived by planned parenthood. I want the very best lives for women and children, as well as for men, and that is not what pp wants. they want to make money off other people's misery. They do have an agenda to depopulate the planet, and a very racist slant. They absolutely DO promote abortions, and have, in some cases, forced a woman [girl] to stay for the proceedure even though she has changed her mind. Investigate more. We need to teach all young people to respect one another, and we must always make sure child abusers get punished. Pretending nothing happened and walking away void of the pregnancy NEVER sloves the deepest problems, and in many cases leads to decades of torment in women and depression and suicide. Please, really do some serious investigating, not just accepting the planned parenthood mission statement, because they are really harming so many people, even if all they did was hand out the pill, they are causing cancer and many bad side effects including blood clots and death. The truth has been covered up by a dangerous entity for far too long.
